+7(916)659-68-45 / +7(495)605-26-73
123022 Moscow, st. Rochdelskaya, 14A
Disinfection tunnel ANVIT-12TS
The high pressure spray system guarantees uniform distribution of the antiseptic, can work with any acceptable disinfectant, both pure and dissolved in water, various types of antiseptic solutions, also with ozonated or electrolyzed water.
Disinfection is carried out by spraying an antiseptic to a finely dispersed state. U-shaped collectors provide a uniform supply of funds to the entire outer surface of a person's clothing. The package includes a storage container that ensures continuous operation. The spray system is activated by a motion sensor. The processing mode is customizable, the standard value is 3-5 seconds per person. Tunnel disinfection is an effective solution for the fight against viruses and bacteria.
Дезинфекция осуществляется распылением антисептика до мелкодисперсного состояния. П-образные коллекторы обеспечивают равномерную подачу средства на всю внешнюю поверхность одежды человека. В комплектации предусмотрен накопительный контейнер, обеспечивающий непрерывную работу. Система распыления активируется датчиком движения. Режим обработки настраиваемый, стандартное значение 3-5 секунд на человека. Туннельная дезинфекция - эффективное решение для борьбы от вирусов и бактерий.
Estimated distribution locations:
Entrance area of shops, shopping centers and parks
Subway entrance area
Checkpoints of medical institutions
Office and public spaces
Sanitary resort complexes
Additional options:
Equipment with a thermal imager;
Equipping with a system of visual security control;
Dispenser made on non-contact technology for hand disinfection;
Decorative design of the tunnel for various creative and social tasks;
LED or laser illumination of a cloud of steam, for demonstration of the entrance - open / entrance - closed.