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TRIPLAN Communication Group is competent to provide working and executive documentation for complex projects: structural diagrams, equipment layout diagrams, schematic diagrams, diagrams of fastening and connecting devices, plans for laying cable routes, cable logs and specifications.

In addition to the documentation itself, our specialists are ready to cover the following:

  • design, calculation and selection of structures for temporary and permanent installations;

  • engineering plan for media installations;

  • visualization and rendering;

  • audit and technical direction of the clients’ project.

Thus, you can come to us only with an idea of eour idea, and we will technically study it through, select the necessary and sufficient equipment, make reasonable calculations, professionally organize and competently monitor any technical project.

If you have any questions or you decide to place an order, leave your request in the order form or contact our managers

by tel. +7 (495) 605 26 73.

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