+7(916)659-68-45 / +7(495)605-26-73
123022 Moscow, st. Rochdelskaya, 14A

ONE VIEW VISION film is an ideal solution for decorating a Building for 3D mapping SHOW and WOW installation with glass. Also, this unique material is used to apply various images to the outer side of the windows of buildings and vehicles, and in combination with the projection, it enhances the WOW Effect. The perforated film is covered with millions of small holes with a diameter of 1.6mm. Film thickness 120 or 140 microns. The material is supplied on a special substrate. The inner side is black, matte. External - White opaque. Supplied in rolls with a width of 1.27, 1.37 and 1.51 meters, linear footage - 50 meters. The cost of a square meter of film is 246 rubles.
TriPlan communication group provides services in decorating and designing events. A separate direction in the design is the preparation of buildings for 3D mapping shows. Often on buildings that are one of the main participants of the SHOW - a large number of WINDOWS. We offer an elegant solution - wrapping windows with a special perforated film, which allows you to turn the windows of buildings into a beautiful projection screen. Due to the special texture of the material and perforation, we achieve a stunning effect: - from the point of view of projection - an ideal screen, and from the point of view of a person inside the building - Light window tinting ..
We are ready to sell you not only the film itself, but also organize its gluing with the help of our professional team.
For Help - call +79166596845 , Mail sgksgk@mail.ru
TriPlan Communications Group is a large manufacturing company that implements complex projects to decorate the city for various festive events.
Festive decoration is carried out taking into account the theme of the holiday and the season. In our work we use only the most modern technologies and high-quality materials.
One of the main areas of our activity is a unique New Year's decoration with the help of original design fir trees, lighting and multimedia solutions.