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Communication group "TRIPLAN"

Legal entity: Moby Mart Limited Liability Company

TIN: 7714645582

Gearbox: 770301001

PSRN: 1067746525714

Jur. address: 123022, Moscow, Rochdelskaya st., 14 A, floor 1, office VI com. 1-9

Account: 40702810455000409427

Bank: Branch  Petrocommerce PJSC Bank FC Otkritie

To / account: 30101810745250000727 in the Central Federal District of the Bank of Russia

BIC: 044525727


Limited Liability Company "Resolution"

TIN:  7701375152

Checkpoint:  770101001

OGRN:  1137746982438

Jur. the address:  105082, Moscow, emb. Rubtsovskaya, 3, building 3, room I, apt. 25

R/account:  40702810002780000637

Bank:  Subsidiary "Ulitsa Dubravnaya" in Moscow JSC "ALFA-BANK" 

To / account: 30101810200000000593

BIC: 044525593

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119019 Moscow,

st. Rochdelskaya, 14A, apt. 1

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